The Link Between Drug Use and Suicide
Is your loved one struggling with a substance use disorder? Do they seem to be at risk of suicide? The two issues are often deeply entwined. One study found that men who struggle with substance abuse are 2.3 times more likely to commit suicide compared to men who do not drink or use drugs. […]
Should You Hold an Intervention?
While on the surface, an intervention might seem pretty straightforward and easy, it’s actually an incredibly complicated ordeal that involves a lot of moving parts. Not only do you have to get the group together and figure out a time and place that works for everyone, but you also have to convince the person […]
How to Help Someone with Addiction
It’s not easy watching a loved one go down the dark path of substance abuse and mental health concerns. Family and friends often feel powerless while searching for how. Relationships are complex enough already. When addiction is added, they get more confusing for everyone. The good news is there are ways to help a […]
What to Do When a Loved One Relapses
Watching a loved one relapse can be gut-wrenching. It’s normal to experience a flood of emotions. You may feel angry, sad, scared, and resentful. You thought this was behind your family, and now, here you are again. The fact is, relapse happens a lot, and it doesn’t mean that your loved one is doomed to […]
How to Speak to Your Loved One About Their Addiction
There’s no question: Addiction is a difficult topic to discuss. It’s a chaotic disease that affects the person struggling and those around them. When a loved one is dealing with addiction, it’s common to feel a multitude of emotions. While it’s normal to be overwhelmed, it’s also important to remember that there is hope for […]
What to Say to Someone Who Is Suicidal & What NOT to Say
Suicide is undoubtedly a delicate topic. It can be confusing, shameful, and challenging to talk about. Because of how emotionally charged the subject is, people often don’t know what to say to someone who is suicidal. They worry about making things worse and feel panicked by the fear of saying the wrong thing. If you […]
Loved Ones of Addicts Need Help Too
Addiction affects everyone in its path. It’s a family disease, with research showing families of addicts are emotionally, physically, and financially impacted by a loved one’s drug and alcohol abuse. Families play important roles in the development, sustentation, and treatment of substance use disorders. Addiction and recovery involve everyone, not just the substance abuser. Families […]